用1000元 CSGO 购买指南:省钱买这些箱子


要在 CSGO 中省钱购买箱子,可以考虑购买以下箱子:

1. 创意箱 (Contract) - 价格:28元 - 箱子内容:1个 additional inventory,1个 rapid fire,1个 extra aim,1个 free aim,1个 swap to team1,1个 swap to team2

2. 生存箱 (Survival) - 价格:35元 - 箱子内容:1个 additional inventory,1个 rapid fire,1个 extra aim,1个 free aim,1个 swap to team1,1个 swap to team2,1个 health bar,1个 repair kit,1个 energy bar

用1000元 CSGO 购买指南:省钱买这些箱子

3. 竞技箱 (Achievement) - 价格:40元 - 箱子内容:1个 additional inventory,1个 rapid fire,1个 extra aim,1个 free aim,1个 swap to team1,1个 swap to team2,1个 health bar,1个 repair kit,1个 energy bar,1个 ultimate

4. 经典箱 (Classic) - 价格:45元 - 箱子内容:1个 additional inventory,1个 rapid fire,1个 extra aim,1个 free aim,1个 swap to team1,1个 swap to team2,1个 health bar,1个 repair kit,1个 energy bar,1个 ultimate

用1000元 CSGO 购买指南:省钱买这些箱子

这些箱子都可以在 CSGO 商店中购买,而且价格都比较实惠。根据自己的游戏风格和需求选择合适的箱子进行购买,可以帮助自己在游戏中更加出色。