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Red Name Display in CSGO

Red Name Display in CSGO

In CS:GO, the Red Name Display is a feature that displays the name of the player in red instead of the default white text. This can be enabled in the game's customization settings.

To enable the Red Name Display, follow these steps:

1. Go to the game's Options menu. 2. Select Game Mode. 3. Choose the desired game mode from the drop-down menu. 4. Press the Add button to add a custom flag. 5. In the custom flag field, select "Red Name Display" from the list of available flags. 6. Click on the Save button to save your changes.

Red Name Display in CSGO

Once you have enabled the Red Name Display, the name of the player will be displayed in red on the screen. This can be useful for identifying players in team fights or for giving away information about your own team members. However, it can be turned off in the game's customization settings if you prefer to have the default text display.